Sunday, September 28, 2008

If It Looks Like a Bailout, and Walks Like a Bailout, Just Because You Put Lipstick on it, Don’t Make it a Pig.

Ok, I’ve been looking at what all of us have been looking at and I’m none to happy about what I’ve been seeing.  Now, to both John McCain’s and Barack Obama’s credit, neither want to see the country go though Financial Armageddon(and that’s what WE have been told repeatedly by several officials)…however, I have my doubts about us providing the needed capital for the financial system to be stabilized. 

Let’s look at the Worst Case Scenario:

  • Markets freeze and NO ONE is able to get credit…period!

Above isn’t a typo… That’s pretty much all I keep hearing.  And that would be bad but…uh…I’ve got like a double digit Beacon Score…so I KNOW living with no credit is possible and not the end of the world.  I DO have to budget and manage my limited money very stringently…which is what we would like our government to do, right?

Once Upon A Time…

I remember having to walk a mile to the bus stop carrying my trumpet and catching the bus every morning in the summers to go to band camp.  After spending my high school years catching buses and bumming rides, it was finally my time to become the owner of my own vehicle.  I remember working at a grocery store and saving every penny until I got like $1,000.  I went to a car auction and I bought a 1980 Honda Prelude…cash.  No car note and no “new car smell”.  This used to be how it went. You SAVED UP to buy what you wanted.  Or, there was lay-a-way…remember that?  Now every store just gives you a credit card and tells you to get it now.  Going into debt has become the “American” way.

So…What are they REALLY scared of?:

Bankruptcy.  Why?  When companies go bankrupt, they sell their assets and get what they can for them.  Our government would rather go into debt with China (which they can choose to re-nig on if need be) then to have China or whatever country that’s currently in the “black” bid for our financial institutions on eBay.

Not being able to continue “life as we know it”.

If the financial system fails to be able to function as it currently does, many tough questions have to be asked and answered.  Questions like, “What ever happened to lay-a-way?”  or “how long will I have to save up before I can buy that?”

I remember when I was a kid, after my mom and dad divorced; my Grandma was able to go to the deep freezer out back and was always able to pull out some “deer meat” or “bass” that my Granddad had hunted earlier that year.  We always had food.  In the backyard, we had pecan trees, pear trees, apple trees, pepper plants, tomato vines, muscadine vines, and fishing bait.  All around the house were not only rose bushes but cabbages and greens too.  My grandparents aren’t rich and didn't use "credit cards" to feed us but when my mom and her four kids had to move back in with them, we all were fed and never did without...what we REALLY needed.  I’ve got one kid and a side by side in the kitchen and I’m looking at CNN everyday and am scared to death… or am I?

There is Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself.

I’ve decided that even if we are about to go through The Great Depression 2.0, I say bring it on!  Everything that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger right?  I say take that $700 billion and pay America's house deeds and had them to us...the tax payers.  That way, if my 401(k) is gone, I'm not still paying a house note.  Hell, while ya'll at it, pay off my student loans too!  Bail "me" out!  

Lead by Example...

I bought a car a couple of years ago and I chose to get a Honda Fit because, at the time, it was one of the most fuel efficient, affordable hatchbacks that wasn’t a hybrid.  That’s what we as Americans have to do… make some difficult choices.  I wanted Hummer just as much as the next guy.  I made a choice based on what I thought I’d be able to afford in the long run.  We might NOT need to purchase a house that is 10 times larger than that of our parents?  I say, let’s take a note from Alaska’s governor and learn to “live off the land” again, fill our deep freezers with as much fresh game as we can and make due.  We’ll all come out better for it in the long run.


 I'm not an "Economist" nor do I play one on TV, so, uh, to congress and other federal workers and Washington insiders, if you guys read this and know that Financial Armageddon would rain down upon us with a great fury and vengeance not know since the beginning of time... Ix-nay on this Og-blay! lol!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Tiraid / Op-Ed by Perspective

Opinion Editorial by Perspective

So I get a call from a friend, a Major in the Army, who called me to tell me about an interaction she had with a White woman in her unit.  She went on to say how this soldier said she would never vote for Barack Obama, not because he is Black, but because he is a Muslim.  And she was so sure of this fact because she and her girlfriend went online and read it for themselves.  My friend told her that she had never heard anything like that and that she would have to check it out and get back to her. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I then went off (should have written this when I was really mad, but I was too busy practicing small town values like making dinner for my family). Anyway, I went nuts and gave her some of the reasons why I think America is a nation of dumbasses and then it hit me. She called me for confirmation that this chick was wrong.  And once I realized that I was even hotter.  I was pissed because I knew that she had no idea about his policies and therefore couldn’t counter anything ole girl had to say.  I knew that she is voting for him because he is Black and that pissed me off because that should be the last reason someone votes for him. Now let’s be clear.  I did not say that it should not be “uh” reason.  I said it should not be “the” reason. We can’t ignore race any more than we can gender so I’m not so upset if his blackness is “uh” reason. Moving on…I think most of us are too damn lazy to find out shit for ourselves.  We rely on those who think like we do to continually feed us the same ole bullshit. It makes us feel better because we don’t have to be challenged. We don’t have to think about one more damn thing. So that is why my co-worker thinks Fox news is the truth and I actually chuckle a bit when I see John Stewart and The Colbert Report.  Yes, I said chuckle. Call it elitist, but a pig in lipstick is still a pig_  I’m sorry; I meant, there is more than one way to convey the same message. You get the point.  So I challenge Democrats and Republicans to step outside of their comfort zones.  Talk to people who do not support your political view so that you can learn something.  You ever notice how Minister Farrakhan frequently references the Bible in his sermons. He took the time to understand someone else’s position and probably knows the Bible better than some who have been Christians all of their lives.  Like instead of mandating Latinos learn English, learn some Spanish your damn self and stop eating at Taco Bell and calling that authentic! Learn something new. 

Look, I am a Democrat and Obama supporter.  There is nothing short of an act of God that will get me to change my mind at this point.  I know Republicans who probably feel the same and I am not mad about that.  But I’m pissed by the rationales people are using to support their candidates.  I heard a woman say that she grew up in Idaho and likes to hunt and that she is voting for McCain because Sarah Palin and she have a lot in common.  Okay.  Sarah Palin is not running for President dear.  McCain is. Faulty logic.  And if one more person tells me that this woman has foreign policy experience because she can see Russia from her state, I’ll just have more fuel for my argument that America is a nation of dumbasses.  I’m looking at my neighbor’s house right now, but I am not an expert on how the husband treats his wife.  Dumbasses I tell you!  And Obama supporters, you are not off of the hook either.  Grow some balls and muzzle that pitbull!

And speak to the issues so that when a McCain supporter comes to you and says that Barack has no executive experience, remind them of what he has done and speak about it like you did it.  Don’t call me asking me if it’s true that he’s a Muslim.  Hell, most Blacks in America probably would have been another religion had we been left the hell alone!  That’s another blog topic and yes I know African tribe leaders captured fellow Africans and sold them into slavery.  I know my ancestors’ part in the problem, so I’m not a dumbass.  

I’ve decided that I’m not arguing with McCain/Palin fans anymore.  I will have a conversation or two with a Republican though.  Someone who can tell me that they think that Palin is not ready, but that he or she loves the ideals of their party so much, they must support the ticket. I can respect that.  But if you tell me how ready she is and how McCain is going to offer change, well then, I’d have to say, I’m done wasting my good sense on you. If you say that you are voting for Sarah because she represents working moms then I know that your decision is emotional and not based on the issues. First of all, she is not the one running for president.  I’m a working mom and I don’t need anyone to show me that I can be president someday. While I think that example is important, I need to know what it is the president is going to do about the No Child Left Behind Law that is kicking educators’ asses and making me hate my job!  And if you are a teacher you know what I’m talking about.  If you are not, you might say I’m a whiner.  Well, those who care the most about healthcare are those without any.  I believe people only care about the things that impact them.  That’s why there is such a high level of misunderstanding on both sides.  I am also not fooling with Obama fans either. If you are caught up in the history of it all, then I just can’t talk to you.  Get a clue and learn the issues!

I truly believe that at his core, McCain is a cool dude, but that he thinks in order to get the diamond, he has to shit on the miners.   I also think that Barack has lots to learn about this level of the game, but it is a chance that I am willing to take.  I’ve been depressed since Bush has been in office and while I like Xanax, he needs to go so that I can stop taking it!  

Finally, I would just like to say that I think the solider that prompted this whole tirade doesn’t want to vote for Barack because he is Black. I think that because she said it wasn’t the reason and because her rationale was so completely off base that only someone who didn’t want to appear racist would say it aloud.  It’s okay though.  Most Black people know that it’s part of the reason. You can say it.  We won’t be mad.  The honesty would be refreshing for a change instead of basing your dislike for him on the fact he doesn’t always wear a lapel pin (McCain didn’t wear one for his big speech by the way-Barack wore his though).  That’s why I like Fox news. They don’t try to hide their dislikes for Blacks and I respect that about them.  But I’m not saying some of them aren’t dumbass material though.  


Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Republican Project...

For a while, like most Obama supporters, I've been playing Monday Morning Quarterback about how he should respond to the senseless attacks against him. A few months ago, I stopped and took about 3 steps back and tried to see the "forest" instead of the "trees".  I think I'm a pretty smart guy (a trait of MOST bloggers) but I must admit that I think that Barack is probably a wee bit smarter than I am.  And, when I started to consider this, I stopped trying to think of what he ought to do to win this election, and started thinking of why is he doing what he's doing?  I mean, he gotten this far with out calling me once and asking for any advice. So, let's dissect what he IS doing...
  • He's not fighting fire with fire.  (in practical terms, water tends to work better any way.)  When the Repubs accused him of calling Palin a pig...he doused those flames with the issues.
  • When the Repubs unleashed more false TV ads and campaign lies, he stuck to the issues.
  • When racism rears it's ugly head from around the country, he smacks that head with his positions on the issues.
Hmmm.  What a novel concept.  We've all heard the parable "never argue with a fool because onlookers may not be able to tell who's the fool."  I can't think of a more applicable situation than this one to use it's logic.  
Now, I must admit that I do think that Obama is giving the general voting populous more credit than it may deserve.  But, maybe not.  See, it's hard to stop "second-guessing" him isn't it?
I have a republican friend (a white woman of the middle-class).  Last week, I decided to have a political discussion with her.  Keep in mind, this if AFTER I began to realize that Obama is smarter than I am.  So, I decided to follow his lead and only talk about the issues instead of doing what I would want him to do on the stump.  I didn't bring up the names of the candidates at all (unless she brings them up first)...only policy.  I've been amazed.  She really doesn't know any of either candidates positions on any of the policies.  She can only repeat what she's heard from other republicans.  So, I've been educating her of what the policies are and where she can find out about them and read up on them for herself.  She came to work one day last week and told me that she tried to watch some "politcal tv programs" but couldn't stomach to watch it for long because they didn't talk about the "issues" like me and her had been discussing.  She actually WANTS to here about them...and she's a republican!
I did start this conversation off with her by asking her what she thought of Sarah Palin.  She began to tell me how she "liked her and how she was against government spending. blah, blah, blah..."  I informed her that Sarah hired a lobbyist when she was mayor of Wasilla and had gotten $27 million in "ear-marks".  After hearing this she asked me, "where did you hear that?"  I told her that I read it on the Internet.  I told her that it was public knowledge.  She again asked, "but who told you that?"  I then told her that, "About 85% of all the black people that are voting for Obama maybe doing it just because he's black....I'm not one of them though.  I'm an informed voter."
She's been emailing me about politics and watching TV more closely because she too would like to be an informed voter.  The more educated she becomes on the issues the more she doesn't want to be an uninformed voter.  The more educated she becomes on the issues, the more she must face the fact that she has NO GOOD REASON NOT TO VOTE FOR OBAMA!  She, like so many other Americans, is an uninformed voter.  I can see the wheels turning when she talks to me now.  I've never been mean.  I've never said one negative thing about McCain or Palin (I have, however, cleared up a few lies they've told).  I've only educated her on the issues and she's starting to question everything she thought she knew.  
Why is Obama doing what he's doing?  Because he's smarter than most of us.  He told us how to win this election.  "We are who we've been waiting on!"  Remember hearing that?  He's leading by example.  He can't talk to every American, but "we" can.  Yes we can.  We've got to educate ourselves on the issues.  Not just on our positions, but McCain/Palin positions too.  I subscribe to John McCain's web site.  I've read his plan for America.  I've probably read more in the last few months than I have my entire life (I know, sad but true)!  Each one teach one should be "our" motto.  If a republican knows, what the issues are, what each candidate is proposing to do to fix America, and they STILL are voting against their own best interests and judgement, then they are probably not voting for Obama only because he is black.  If we can help educate more voters we'll either get more repubs to vote for Obama, or more repubs to realize that they are probably a racist.  I call it...The Republican Project.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11 Remembered...

As I sit down and start this entry, I'd like to thank roshelle for inspiring me to write what follows.  I wasn't about to but, after I checked my twitter page and read her blog...I felt compelled to write what follows...
  It's September 11th.  I, like so many other of us remember what I was doing 7 years ago today.  I remember getting the call @ school from a friend of mine.  I remember him telling me, "they flew a plane into the World Trade Center!"  I told him to "quit playing, I'm busy teaching."  He continued and told me to get to a TV and see for myself.  I walked down the hall to our school's library and turned on the TV.  I stood there with my mouth wide open as we watched, the 2nd plane hit the towers.  I rushed back to my classroom and pulled up a news website to try and get some understanding about what could possibly be going on.  It was just 6 days before my son's 2nd birthday, and life as I knew it was great!  I found it almost impossible to comprehend what I was reading on the computer and what they were reporting on the news.

It's September 11th.  I, like so many others of us have become engulfed in what has been arguably the most intense and exciting presidential campaign in American history.  Because of how "connected" many of us have become, I've heard all day about  "lipstick on a pig."  It's the day before the anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on US soil and all the news media is analyzing, commentating, dissecting, and re-contorting what exactly putting make-up on a pork chop has to do with the price of tea in China...or more accurately, the price of oil in Iraq. 

It's September 10th.  I'm watching Count Down with Keith Olbermann and he ends his program with the most stunning and clear picture of John McCain I myself have truly wished could not possibly be true.  And yet, as I've been watching and listening to the news all day, and thinking about "why" we've been talking about "lip-stick on a pig" I am reminded of Occam's Razor and am saddened.  Below is his initial response.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How do you veil your Racism? (parody/satire?) N-Word Warning!!

Ok, let's take the gloves off on this one. I've been addicted to this entire political sea
son, hell, I'm a rapper with a political blog! All that being said, I've been listening to poor, uneducated, blue-collar, white folks using every excuse in the book to NOT vote for Barack Obama. I mean I've heard it all! It's been eye-opening and amazing to hear some of the stuff that people
 come up with for not voting for someone. I decided to have a little fun with this one. I'm going to list some of the reasons I "hear" white-people say, and then I'm going to try and interpret what they "really" mean. Here we go...

What they say... What they "REALlY" mean...
  1. They say..."He's a Muslim." but they mean... "We don't trust niggers! Especially the ones that don't go to church and praise a "White God"!
  2. They say... "He's inexperienced" but they mean... He hasn't been around long enough to know if he's a safe nigger. At least Colin Powell is in the military!
  3. The say... "He doesn't wear flag pen." but they mean... "This nigger may have figured out that this country has been f--king his kind over for years and might retaliate! That's what I'd do!
  4. They say... "but there's Rev. Wright" but they mean... "We know he's been told the "truth"about what white folks been doing to can he NOT be mad?!?
  5. They say..."His Dad's African." but they mean... "This ain't like one of them "regular" niggers we grow over here! This nigger is straight off the boat! My granddaddy would roll over in his grave!"
Now, in no way am I suggesting that if your white and you're not voting for Obama, you MUST be a racist...That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that there are SOME folks who are not so much voting "for" McCain as they are voting "against" Obama. And I'm saying that if you're reasons are not based on the REAL ISSUES (i.e. the economy, health care, Iraq war, housing crisis, energy dependence, etc.) that face the USA, you might be a racist, and don't even know it! Or, maybe you do, and you're still deciding on what veil to use to cover it.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Keep it simple...Stupid.

Not to long ago, I heard some republican strategist talking during the RNC I believe, and her advice to Obama was to "talk with simpler words" and "smaller sentences".  She actually argued that "blue-collar" Americans like McCain because he and Palin use smaller words!!  WTF?!  This is a REPUBLICAN saying this!!!  What exactly does this say about their constituents?  
The fact is that reporters often ask both Obama and McCain very complicated questions.  Obama tends to give a more "complicated" answers.  Not always in terms of "black and white" but more in hues of gray since many of the dilemmas that face our nation are complex.  It's like when a 5 year old asks "where do babies come from?" and some medical doctor starts on and on about the zygotes and chromosomes and gestation's and some body's mom says, "the storks brings them."  Of course one is obviously not possible but one is so simple in it's explanation, it's more readily acceptable by the child.
Consider this...

What should we do about America's dependence on oil?
an Obama type on-the-stump answer: "It's not gonna be easy.  We need to ultimately use less oil.  Find a new source of renewable energy.  Look at wind and solar and natural gas.  And I think, if we put our minds to it, we can be energy independent in 10 years.  We can create millions of "green jobs".   Plants that have been closed down, can re-open helping to create the infrastructure needed to help make America energy independent.  I think that drilling for oil isn't the answer.  There are thousands of acres now that oil companies have leases on that are going untapped.  We as a nation us 25% of the nation's oil and even if we drilled every place we thought we'd find oil in the US, we'd only find 3% or the worlds supply." ~thedlidical paraphrase
a McCain type on-the-stump answer:  "We need to drill today, drill now, drill here!  The Democrats don't want to drill.  they want to keep importing oil from countries that don't like us very much.  Even Senator Obama has "flip-flopped" and says that he's for off-shore drilling.  My friends, I've spent 5 years of my life, understanding what freedom really means.  When all else was lost, I came to really love my country." ~ thedlitical paraphrase. be continued.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Manchurian Candidate...

I believe that John McCain is "The Manchurian Candidate".  I think that he is not the "head" of his party, rather, the "puppet" that the republicans are using to regain the white house.  Why do I think this?
  • John McCain wanted to be an admiral in the military just like his father and grandfather.  He only went into politics when he found that it would be impossible to move up the military ranks due to his injures from being a POW.  After marrying Cindy and now having the funds and connections of her family and his own military connections, it was easy.
  • John McCain spent years  in Washington and was finally convinced that he could be president (& thus trump the "military accomplishments" of his dad and granddad with the Commander in Chief label) when he saw that an idiot, I mean a man of meager intelligence (just like him, i.e. George Bush) could successfully run for and win the highest office in the land.
  • John McCain is now "using the help" of many major lobbyist and managers to run his campaign that George Bush used even though these were some of the same folks that helped to propel George Bush into office and defeat him not so long ago.
  • He was convinced to pick Sarah Palin as his running mate even though he wanted to pick Joe Lieberman.  The most "important & telling" decision to make as his party's leader...and he's "bullied" into making an obvious "political" choice and pander against his better judgement.
  • Many of the "moves" that are being made can and are most often time linked to what is most politically expedient. (i.e. John McCain needed to gain more women support, so "he" picks a "Washington out-sider" for VP, that happens to be a woman / only letting her conduct REAL interviews as the campaign sees beneficial to the campaign / only now appearing with Palin because of the larger crowds she brings / going against his own words as to what would be the #1 credential for picking a VP...coincidence?)
  • He even admits in his book that it's his own "ambition" that led him to run for president.
What do I think REALLY happen?
I think that the "party bosses" of the republican party took John McCain in a room and laid it out for him simple and plain.

RNC Party Bosses: "Look Johnny, America is stupid!  Look at how we've won the last two contests.  We got this.  I know you "think" you know how to win this thing but trust us, you have NO idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.  Just keep doing what we tell you to do and you'll be in the white house so fast, your head will spin!"

McCain:  "You sure?  I mean, I've got some pretty good ideas and...well, who am I kidding.  You guys have gotten Bush this far and Obama has got America eating out the palm of his hand.  Even I thought he would never rebound after that Rev. Wright thing.  And he did all that up against the Clinton Machine!  OK boys.  I'm all in.  I just better win."

I wasn't a fly on the wall when this happen and of course, there is NO hard proof of this, which always makes for a good conspiracy!  This is just one black man's opinion...what's yours?

Is America Ready for a "Black President"?

That's the simple answer. America is seldom "ready" for necessary changes that have come in her history. America wasn't ready for it's enslaved to become free nor her women to have the right to vote when these things happened. America wasn't ready for "rock-n-roll" or "hip-hop" when these forms of music introduced their way into our hearts through our ears. America wasn't ready for Martin Luther King, Jr. to help organize a movement to help it's citizens of African decent gain their full rights. So what does this mean?
It means that the very asking of this question is a reminder of what is "wrong" with America. What would America look like if it was "ready" for a Black president? Would there not be racial profiling? Would BET play more "positive" videos? Would "Flavor of Love" be cancelled? Would the republican party have more than 36 black delegates? How would we know if America was ready for a Black president?
We'd know because no one would be asking this question.
Does America need a Black president? This question is as asinine as the first one. America needs a government that can help her function and help it's citizens live better lives. America needs a leader that can inspire it's citizens to accomplish great things and ideals. American needs to think of it's citizens as a collective and not as individuals. What's good for "us"? What's best for the country? These are THE questions we the people need to try and answer.


It seems to me that the republicans feel that John McCain's past military experience make him a foreign policy expert.  Which is why I think they kept "beating us over the head" with his service at the RNC.    According to this logic, since John McCain was in the military (and performed heroically, might I add) He knows what to do in "all" military situations.  OK, let's think about this for a moment.  By applying this logic, the best athletes should go on be be the best coaches...right?  Michael Jordan is arguably the greatest basketball player of all time, and yet he couldn't quite get that coaching thing down.  Magic Johnson, another GREAT player that won't go down in coaching history.  There are some good players that became coaches and do well, and there are some great coaches that were never considered "great players".  Just because "B" comes after "A" doesn't mean that "A" caused "B".
My point is, that in today's world, we need great "thinkers" in leadership roles more often than not.  I'm not calling John McCain unintelligent, I'm saying that Barack Obama is a great thinker (or at least I think he is a better thinker that John McCain).  The fact that he never "served his country" in the military doesn't diminish his ability to lead.  Let's look at some facts, shall we...
  • Barack Obama not only opposed the "Iraq War" from the start, he clearly stated why we didn't need to go in and did it at a time when it wasn't "politically popular" to do so.
  • He clearly stated that we need a "time table" to get out of Iraq, (and now everybody thinks that's a good idea)
  • Obama has clearly stated that the economic commitment we're making in Iraq can't continue while they have a multi-billion dollar surplus.  It's against our own national security to borrow money from China, to buy oil from other countries, to help fuel this war in Iraq.
  • Barack Obama finished top of his class from Harvard the #1 college in America while John McCain finished near the bottom of his class (894th out of 899) from the Naval Academy.  I'm not saying that this makes Obama smarter than McCain, I'm saying it increases the odds.
Overall, I just believe that Obama may be more inclined to "think" about the long-term consequences of any of our country's action before acting and I think that McCain will have more of a "knee-jerk" reaction which could endanger Americans in the long run.

Sarah Palin...

Q: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president?
A: She was born in the USA and is at least 35 years old.  So yes.

Q: Do you think Sarah Palin would make a good president?
A: Hell to the naw!!

Q: Do you think that the fact that her 17 year old daughter is unwed and with child is fair game for the press and others to debate as it pertains to Mrs. Palin's ability to VP?"
A: No.  Her daughter shouldn't be a part of the equation. *

*However, the fact that she lied about her daughter having "mono" (and coincidentally missed the last 5 months of school during her mother's pregnancy) and faked her last pregnancy in order to cover it up is fair game!  I think that it's highly unlikely that Mrs. Palin flew from Alaska while being 8 months pregnant, to Texas to give a keynote speech, realized that her water broke, gave the speech anyway, flew back to Alaska (including a connecting flight in Seattle), got off a plane and then had her husband drive her 45 minutes to a hospital, had the kid and THEN went to work 3 days later.... this is VERY fair game!!!  Please keep in mind this is all "hear-say" and is unproven...I still think it's true though;-p!

Q: Is the media being fair to Sarah Palin?
A: No.  They are being MORE THAN FAIR!!!  Barack Obama was asked in a debate if he thought Lewis Farrakhan loved America as much as he does.  WTF kind of question is that?!?!?!?!?

Q: Why do you think the McCain camp selected Sarah Palin?
A: Because they think that the majority of the voting populous are stupid...consider the following:
  • McCain camp thinks that much of Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's success can be contributed to the fact that he is black and that she is a woman.  They really don't believe that either is "qualified" to be commander in chief.  Based on this logic, they added a "woman" to the McCain ticket to get the excitment and support he'd been missing.
  • McCain camp thinks that this election is not about issues but about personality.  WTF?!?  I think that George Bush is an ass-hole but if gas was $1.95 a gallon, if we had found "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq and my mortgage didn't keep going up every 12 months, I'd be rocking a "W" sticker on the back of my Honda Fit!! Wouldn't we all?  
  • The McCain camp keeps telling obvious, check-able lies over and over as if nobody can use "the google" and find out that they are full of shit!  Sarah Palin was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it, she was queen of earmarks before she was against them and she didn't even know what a VP did 3 weeks ago!!